Zamboni pile — Teylers Museum

Zamboni pile

pre 1882

The ‘Zamboni pile’ is a variation on the electric battery as invented by Volta. Such battery generates an electric voltage as a result of the effect of acid on two different metals, such as copper and zinc. In 1812 Giuseppe Zamboni found a combination which generates a slightly higher voltage. He covered paper discs drenched in acid alternately with silver foil and manganese oxide. By piling up a thousand of these electrochemical cells the ‘Zamboni pile’ was formed. It can generate a voltage of a few hundred Volt. That is high enough to imitate electrostatic phenomena, such as attracting and repulsing a light pith-ball. So chemical and static electricity do not really differ.

Administration name

Fysisch Kabinet


Zamboni pile

Translated title

Zamboni pile


[{'start': '1882', 'end_precision': u'', 'end': u'', 'start_precision': 'pre'}]


[{'notes': u'', 'part': 'geheel', 'type': u'', 'value': '258', 'unit': u''}]

Reproduction reference

[{'reference': '..\\images\\Fysisch\\Gekoppelde afbeeldingen\\FK 0572.jpg'}]